By: Richard for LANGUAGE ARTS, Section 3, 7C
The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence has affected numerous people, whether they know it or not. The original copy of the Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson, and submitted to the Continental Congress (The U.S.A. government) on June 28, 1776. The main cause for the Declaration of Independence being created are the taxes the King of England (King George), was imposing on them at that time. This angered the colonists into wanting their independence from Britain. The Declaration of Independence is a masterful piece of self-expression that speaks what all Americans wanted at that time and has a most intriguing history. By: Richard Chu

People of all races have been affected by the Declaration of Independence whether they are Americans or not. In the Declaration, it states "…all men are created equal…" Soon, African American slaves started challenging that this meant that this applied to them too. Other countries have also been affected by the Declaration of Independence. One of the countries is France. The Declaration written by the "colonists" moved the country; they soon created their own version of the Declaration, which they called "The Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizens." In Vietnam, leader Ho Chi Minh cited the Declaration as one of the essential points behind his fight to establish an independent and unified country of Vietnam. By: Richard Chu

A number of happenings led to the Declaration of Independence. One of which was when the colonists and the British defeated the French in the French and Indian War. The main reason why the colonists sided with the British in the first place was because Britain was a stronger country at that time. After the war however, Britain decided to reestablish their navy. However, they were heavily in debt because of the war and felt that the colonists should pay taxes to the British Empire in return for the services Britain gave them in the French and Indian War. By: Richard Chu

These taxes angered the colonists and angered the Bostonians the most, or at least the Bostonians wee the most outspoken with numerous authority figures such as John and Samuel Adams. After the taxes, the British and the colonists started angering one another: the colonists did something, the British take away another right, the colonists get angry…and it continued in this manner.By: Richard Chu

Thomas Jefferson, was the writer behind The Declaration of Independence, with a few changes from John Adams and Benjamin Franklin of course. The document was handed in on June 28, 1776. However, it was not signed until July 4, which is…THE FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!(July 4th). Thomas Jefferson claims he did not use any references, but instead used the political thought of the 18th century mind.

The Declaration of Independence is divided into three main sections. The first part of the Declaration of Independence is that the colonists are guaranteed the rights to the Natural right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The second part of the written document is a list of wrongs committed by the British government. The third part of the document speaks about the establishment of the United States of America.

The Declaration of Independence may be our first important document. It is currently preserved in the National Archives Building in Washington D.C. In 1789, when the Constitution was adopted, Congress gave the Declaration to the Department of State to keep safe. Later, it was put on display in the Patent Office Building and the State Library. However, it was quickly removed because of deterioration. In the 1920's the Library of Congress then took care of the important document and displayed it in a specially constructed shrine. During World War II, Congress feared for its safety and moved it temporarily to Fort Knox. Then finally, in 1952, it was transferred permanently to the National Archives.

The Declaration of Independence is a truly magnificent and important document. It would be a shame to ever lose it. However, nobody has to worry about it anymore because the National Archives are monitoring it ever day to make sure there is no deterioration, It is currently inside a glass and bronze case filled with inert helium gases, where it lies next to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence, if given the proper care, will ensure that far in the future, our kin will still appreciate the work our Forefathers put into creating this document.

By:Richard Chu

Please give special thanks to: Microsoft Encarta 1996, and 2002,, and the National Archives in Washingto D.C..