
ORBIT Code Central

Code                                            Reward 

gotham                                          Flying Batman 

ppgtme                                          pj powerpuffs, and pj mojesha 

future                                          Leaping Jack 

airplane                                        Sitting Bubbles 

mobot                                           Mojo's Metal Minion 

comlink                                         Toonflash Trunks 

signal                                          ToonflashPowerpuffs 

catalog                                         Toonflash Scooby 

presspass                                       Toonflash Cow 

dracula                                         Stage Fright Scooby 

group                                           Super Sister Sticker 

uscow                                           Happy Siblings 

fcsheep                                         Sheep Time 

golden-ghost                                    Puzzled Scooby 

scholastic-rock                                 Power Trio 

golden-ballet                                   Dancing DeeDee 

golden-pants                                    Fancy Shaggy 

golden-comb                                     Sedusa's Locks 

scholastic-monster                              Townsville POW! 

golden-daphne                                   Literary Daphne 

blast off                                       CN Magazine 

shovel                                          Dancin' Bamm-Bamm, 
                                                Dancin' Barney, Dancin' Dino,    
                                                Dancin'Fred & Dancin' Pebbles 

popcorn                                         Powermail Blossom 

ticket                                          Powermail Bubbles 

script                                          Powermail Mojo 

theater                                         Powermail Buttercup 

usher                                           Powermail Professer 

golden-bright                                   Scooter Johnny 

reunited                                        35 Points 

golden-cool                                     Check me out Johnny! 

golden-sister                                   Attack of Dexter's Family 

golden-showdown                                 Science Fair Mandark 

golden-nametoon                                 Name that Weasel 

golden-tattoons                                 Tattoon Courage 

golden-hyper                                    Hyper Powerpuff Girls 

golden-brain                                    Brain Strain Mojo 

golden-shock                                    Sticker Shock Johnny 

aku                                             Path-of-Destiny Jack 

kamehameha                                      6.0 Toonami Block 

ronin                                           Battle Jack 

outofcontrol                                    Airbot 

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Note: to get the pot of Gold, go to the GET CTOONS, then to BY SET, Then LOONEY LEPRECAUNS
Then FOLLOW. Click on the pot to claim your prize!