The Ultimate Guide to Yugi-Oh

Pegusus, Yugi, and Kaiba

Yugi-Oh is awesome!! It is about a guy who plays his card game, up until he gets this magical thing, which is called "The Millennium Item." Soon after, he defeats his Rival who is the grand champion, named Kaiba. Pegusus learns about this, and he finds out that Yugi also has an item. He sends Yugi a video that takes Yugi to the "Shadow Realm" and takes his Grandfather's soul. After this, he devises a tournament, offering 100,000 zeni and Yugi's grandfather's life.

So far, there are 3 different millennium items, Yugi's, Pegusus', and Bakura's. Yugi's item allows him to resist fire, transform himself ito Yugi-Oh, and switch souls. This item is shaped like a pyrimid. Pegusus' allows him to steal souls, and see what his opponent is planning. This item is like an implanted eye. Bakura's item can point out where each of the items lie is they are close. Each of the items can also send people to the Shadow Realm. There are 7 items in all.

The T.V. Show's basis is in Egyptian Mythology. It is like a fantasy. The Game was supposedly real back in Egypt and the men actually called upon real monsters to fight. This was until things got out of hand and the Monsters became too hard to control. When this happened, an Egytian Prince who was like Yugi came and sealed up the monsters in the cards.

Yugi is currently travling through a tournament with: Joey, another comtestant who is Yugi's best friend, Joey's brother, and Téa(Tae-a) In the tournament, the contestants wager star chips and if you win, you et them. Once you get 10 chips you may enter Pegusus' castle. Yugi is dueling to try and save his Grandpa. Joey is dueling so he can save his little sister with the prize money so she can fix her eyes. So far, they have met kaiba, Pegusus, Mia, Rex, Weevil, Bandit Kieth, Bones, Kaiba's little brother, Panic...The list goes on and on.

Yugi's favorite, Joey's favorite, Téa's favorite, Bakura's favorite, Joey's brother's fav

The card game is played on a holographic station which projects the exact replica of the monster in the card onto the playing field. If the card is played upside down, it is Defense Mode. In this Mode, the monsters defend themselves. If it is face up, it becomes Attack Mode. This allows the monster to attack the monster with any attacks it is eqipped with. Other than Monster cards, there are also Magic cards. These magic cards enhance the monster(s) and or the playing field. The last type of cards are trap cards. They trap an enemy when they attack and damage the opponents life points. Each player starts with 2000 life points. Once they have 0 life points, they lose.

The Game's most powerful monster is Exodia. It is called upon by assembling the 5 card parts that he is made up of. His obliterate attack is unstoppable, even 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons cannot defeat him. The second most powerful monster is the Blue Eyes white dragon. He can be called upon with only one card. There were only 4 of these cards created. 3 are in kaiba's deck. The 4th one was owned by Yugi's Grandfather. The card was lost to Kaiba after Yugi's Granfater lost a duel to Kaiba. Kaiba ripped up the card so that it could not be used against him.

Blue Eyes, Exodia

The official Yugi-Oh Card Game site.
Yugi-Oh airs on KidsWB at 11:30 in Westchester, which is in New York.